This document is targeted at software designers/programmers wishing to integrate SMS messaging as a function into their applications using HTTP protocol, e.g. in connection with WEB-server, unified messaging, information services etc..
If you need to use a stateful tcp protocol (SMPP v3.4), please refer to SMPP Server API.
SMS Messages can be transmitted using HTTP protocol, the following requirements must be met to enable the service:
You need a Jasmin user account
You need sufficient credit on your Jasmin user account [1]
The ABCs:
MT is referred to Mobile Terminated, a SMS-MT is an SMS sent to mobile
MO is referred to Mobile Originated, a SMS-MO is an SMS sent from mobile
The Http API allows you to:
Send and receive SMS through Jasmin’s connectors,
Receive http callbacks for delivery notification (receipts) when SMS-MT is received (or not) on mobile station,
Send and receive long (more than 160 characters) SMS, unicode/binary content and receive http callbacks when a mobile station send you a SMS-MO.
Get monitoring metrics
Check your balance status,
Check a message rate price before sending it.
Sending SMS-MT#
In order to deliver SMS-MT messages, Data is transferred using HTTP GET/POST requests. The Jasmin gateway accepts requests at the following URL:
and port 1401
are default values and configurable in /etc/jasmin/jasmin.cfg
, see jasmin.cfg / http-api.
This guide will help understand how the API works and provide Examples for sending SMS-MT.
HTTP request parameters#
When calling Jasmin’s URL from an application, the below parameters must be passed (at least mandatory ones), the api will return a message id on success, see HTTP response.
Parameter |
Value / Pattern |
Example(s) |
Presence |
Description / Notes |
to |
Destination address |
20203050 |
Mandatory |
Destination address, only one address is supported per request |
from |
Originating address |
20203050, Jasmin |
Optional |
Originating address, In case rewriting of the sender’s address is supported or permitted by the SMS-C used to transmit the message, this number is transmitted as the originating address |
coding |
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 or 14 |
1 |
Optional |
Sets the Data Coding Scheme bits, default is 0, accepts values all allowed values in SMPP protocol [1] |
username |
Text (30 char. max) |
jasmin_user |
Mandatory |
Username for Jasmin user account. |
password |
Text (30 char. max) |
jasmin_pass |
Mandatory |
Password for Jasmin user account. |
priority |
0, 1, 2 or 3 |
2 |
Optional |
Default is 0 (lowest priority) |
sdt |
String |
000000000100000R (send in 1 minute) |
Optional |
Specifies the scheduled delivery time at which the message delivery should be first attempted, default is value is None (message will take SMSC’s default). Supports Absolute and Relative Times per SMPP v3.4 Issue 1.2 |
validity-period |
Integer |
1440 |
Optional |
Message validity (minutes) to be passed to SMSC, default is value is None (message will take SMSC’s default) |
dlr |
yes or no |
yes |
Optional |
Default is no (no DLR will be tracked) |
dlr-url |
Mandatory if dlr |
If a DLR is requested (dlr = ‘yes’), dlr-url MUST be set, if not, dlr value is reconsidered as ‘no’ |
dlr-level |
1, 2 or 3 |
2 |
Mandatory if dlr |
1: SMS-C level, 2: Terminal level, 3: Both |
dlr-method |
Mandatory if dlr |
DLR is transmitted through http to a third party application using GET or POST method. |
tags |
Text |
1,702,9901 |
Optional |
Will tag the routable to help interceptor or router enable specific business logics. |
content |
Text |
Hello world ! |
Mandatory if hex-content not defined |
Content to be sent |
hex-content |
Binary hex value |
0623063106460628 |
Mandatory if content not defined |
Binary to be sent |
HTTP response#
When the request is validated, a SubmitSM PDU is set up with the provided request parameters and sent to the routed connector through a AMQP queue, a queued message-id is returned:
Success "07033084-5cfd-4812-90a4-e4d24ffb6e3d"
Otherwise, an error is returned:
Error "No route found"
HTTP Code |
HTTP Body |
Meaning |
200 |
Success “07033084-5cfd-4812-90a4-e4d24ffb6e3d” |
Message is successfully queued, messaged-id is returned |
400 |
Error “Mandatory arguments not found, please refer to the HTTPAPI specifications.” |
Request parameters validation error |
400 |
Error “Argument _ is unknown.” |
Request parameters validation error |
400 |
Error “Argument _ has an invalid value: _.” |
Request parameters validation error |
400 |
Error “Mandatory argument _ is not found.” |
Request parameters validation error |
400 |
dynamic messages |
Credentials validation error, c.f. User credentials |
403 |
Error “Authentication failure for username:_” |
Authentication error |
403 |
Error “Authorization failed for username:_” |
Credentials validation error, c.f. User credentials |
403 |
Error “Cannot charge submit_sm, check RouterPB log file for details” |
User charging error |
412 |
Error “No route found” |
Message routing error |
500 |
Error “Cannot send submit_sm, check SMPPClientManagerPB log file for details” |
Fallback error, checking log file will provide better details |
Here is an example of how to send simple GSM 03.38 messages:
# Python example
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
baseParams = {'username':'foo', 'password':'bar', 'to':'+336222172', 'content':'Hello'}
# Send an SMS-MT with minimal parameters
urllib.request.urlopen("" % urllib.parse.urlencode(baseParams)).read()
# Send an SMS-MT with defined originating address
baseParams['from'] = 'Jasmin GW'
urllib.request.urlopen("" % urllib.parse.urlencode(baseParams)).read()
Here is an example of how to request acknowledgement when sending a SMS:
# Python example
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
# Send an SMS-MT and request terminal level acknowledgement callback to http://myserver/acknowledgement
params = {'username':'foo', 'password':'bar', 'to':'+336222172', 'content':'Hello',
'dlr-url':'http://myserver/acknowledgement', 'dlr-level':2}
urllib.request.urlopen("" % urllib.parse.urlencode(params)).read()
And more use cases for sending long, UCS2 (UTF16) and binary messages:
# Python example
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
baseParams = {'username':'foo', 'password':'bar', 'to':'+336222172', 'content':'Hello'}
# Sending long content (more than 160 chars):
baseParams['content'] = 'Very long message ....................................................................................................................................................................................'
urllib.request.urlopen("" % urllib.parse.urlencode(baseParams)).read()
# Sending UCS2 (UTF-16) arabic content
baseParams['content'] = '\x06\x23\x06\x31\x06\x46\x06\x28'
baseParams['coding'] = 8
urllib.request.urlopen("" % urllib.parse.urlencode(baseParams)).read()
# Sending UCS2 (UTF-16) arabic binary content
baseParams['hex-content'] = '0623063106460628'
baseParams['coding'] = 8
urllib.request.urlopen("" % urllib.parse.urlencode(baseParams)).read()
// Sending simple message using PHP
$baseurl = ''
$params = '?username=foo'
$params.= '&password=bar'
$params.= '&to='.urlencode('+336222172')
$params.= '&content='.urlencode('Hello world !')
$response = file_get_contents($baseurl.$params);
In Ruby:
# Sending simple message using Ruby
require 'net/http'
uri = URI('')
params = { :username => 'foo', :password => 'bar',
:to => '+336222172', :content => 'Hello world' }
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
jasmin.cfg / http-api#
The jasmin.cfg file (INI format, located in /etc/jasmin) contain a section called http-api where all Http API related config elements are:
2bind =
3port = 1401
5long_content_max_parts = 5
6# Splitting long content can be made through SAR options or UDH
7# Possible values are: sar and udh
8long_content_split = udh
10access_log = /var/log/jasmin/http-access.log
11log_level = INFO
12log_file = /var/log/jasmin/http-api.log
13log_format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(process)d %(message)s
14log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
Element |
Default |
Description |
bind | |
The HTTP API listener will only bind to this specified address, given the listener will bind on all interfaces. |
port |
1401 |
The binding TCP port. |
long_content_max_parts |
5 |
If the message to be sent is to be split into several parts. This is the maximum number of individual SMS-MT messages that can be used. |
long_content_split |
udh |
Splitting method: ‘udh’: Will split using 6-byte long User Data Header, ‘sar’: Will split using sar_total_segments, sar_segment_seqnum, and sar_msg_ref_num options. |
access_log |
/var/log/jasmin/http-access.log |
Where to log all http requests (and errors). |
log_* |
Python’s logging module configuration. |
Receiving DLR#
When requested through dlr-* fields when Sending SMS-MT, a delivery receipt (DLR) will be sent back to the application url (set in dlr-url) through HTTP GET/POST depending on dlr-method.
The receiving end point must reply back using a “200 OK” status header and a body containing an acknowledgement of receiving the DLR, if one or both of these conditions are not met, the DLRThrower service will consider reshipment of the same message if config/dlr-thrower/max_retries is not reached (see jasmin.cfg / dlr-thrower).
In order to acknowledge DLR receipt, the receiving end point must reply back with exactly the following html body content:
It is very important to acknowledge back each received DLR, this will prevent to receive the same message many times, c.f. Processing for details
Reshipment of a message will be delayed for config/dlr-thrower/retry_delay seconds (see jasmin.cfg / dlr-thrower).
HTTP Parameters for a level 1 DLR#
The following parameters are sent to the receiving end point (at dlr-url) when the DLR’s dlr-level is set to 1 (SMS-C level only)
Parameter |
Value / Pattern |
Example(s) |
Presence |
Description / Notes |
id |
Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) |
16fd2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da |
Always |
Internal Jasmin’s gateway message id used for tracking messages |
message_status |
ESME_* SMPP Command status |
Always |
The delivery status |
level |
1 |
1 |
Always |
This is a static value indicating the dlr-level originally requested |
connector |
SMPP Connector ID |
demo_cid |
Always |
The SMPP Connector used to send the message |
HTTP Parameters for a level 2 or 3 DLR#
The following parameters are sent to the receiving end point (at dlr-url) when DLR’s dlr-level is set to 2 or 3 (Terminal level or all levels)
Parameter |
Value / Pattern |
Example(s) |
Presence |
Description / Notes |
id |
Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) |
16fd2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da |
Always |
Internal Jasmin’s gateway message id used for tracking messages |
id_smsc |
Integer |
2567 |
Always |
Message id returned from the SMS-C |
message_status |
ESME_* SMPP Command status |
Always |
The delivery status |
level |
1 |
1 |
Always |
This is a static value indicating the dlr-level originally requested |
connector |
SMPP Connector ID |
demo_cid |
Always |
The SMPP Connector used to send the message |
subdate |
Date & time format: YYMMDDhhmm |
1311022338 |
Optional |
The time and date at which the short message was submitted |
donedate |
Date & time format: YYMMDDhhmm |
1311022338 |
Optional |
The time and date at which the short message reached it’s final state |
sub |
Integer |
1 |
Optional |
Number of short messages originally submitted. This is only relevant when the original message was submitted to a distribution list.The value is padded with leading zeros if necessary |
dlvrd |
Integer |
1 |
Optional |
Number of short messages delivered. This is only relevant where the original message was submitted to a distribution list.The value is padded with leading zeros if necessary |
err |
Integer |
0 |
Optional |
Where appropriate this may hold a Network specific error code or an SMSC error code for the attempted delivery of the message |
text |
Text (20 char. max) |
Hello foo bar |
Optional |
The first 20 characters of the short message |
The flowchart below describes how dlr delivery and retrying policy is done inside DLRThrower service:
jasmin.cfg / dlr-thrower#
The jasmin.cfg file (INI format, located in /etc/jasmin) contain a section called deliversm-thrower where all DLRThrower service related config elements are:
2http_timeout = 30
3retry_delay = 30
4max_retries = 3
5log_level = INFO
6log_file = /var/log/jasmin/dlr-thrower.log
7log_format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(process)d %(message)s
8log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
Element |
Default |
Description |
http_timeout |
30 |
Sets socket timeout in seconds for outgoing client http connections. |
retry_delay |
30 |
Define how many seconds should pass within the queuing system for retrying a failed throw. |
max_retries |
3 |
Define how many retries should be performed for failing throws of DLR. |
log_* |
Python’s logging module configuration. |
Receiving SMS-MO#
SMS-MO incoming messages (Mobile Originated) are forwarded by Jasmin to defined URLs using simple HTTP GET/POST, the forwarding is made by deliverSmHttpThrower service, and the URL of the receiving endpoint is selected through a route checking process (c.f. The message router).
Receiving endpoint is a third party application which acts on the messages received and potentially generates replies, (HTTP Client connector manager for more details about HTTP Client connector management).
The parameters below are transmitted for each SMS-MO, the receiving end point must provide an url (set in jasminApi.HttpConnector.baseurl) and parse the below parameters using GET or POST method (depends on jasminApi.HttpConnector.method).
The receiving end point must reply back using a “200 OK” status header and a body containing an acknowledgement of receiving the SMS-MO, if one or both of these conditions are not met, the deliverSmHttpThrower service will consider reshipment of the same message if config/deliversm-thrower/max_retries is not reached, (see jasmin.cfg / deliversm-thrower).
In order to acknowledge SMS-MO receipt, the receiving end point must reply back with exactly the following html body content:
It is very important to acknowledge back each received SMS-MO, this will prevent to receive the same message many times, c.f. Processing for details
Reshipment of a message will be delayed for config/deliversm-thrower/retry_delay seconds (see jasmin.cfg / deliversm-thrower).
HTTP Parameters#
When receiving an URL call from Jasmin’s deliverSmHttpThrower service, the below parameters are delivered (at least Always present ones).
Parameter |
Value / Pattern |
Example(s) |
Presence |
Description / Notes |
id |
Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) |
16fd2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da |
Always |
Internal Jasmin’s gateway message id |
from |
Originating address |
+21620203060, 20203060, Jasmin |
Always |
Originating address |
to |
Destination address |
+21620203060, 20203060, Jasmin |
Always |
Destination address, only one address is supported per request |
origin-connector |
Alphanumeric id |
23, bcd, MTN, clickatell, beepsend |
Always |
Jasmin http connector id |
priority |
1, 2 or 3 |
2 |
Optional |
Default is 1 (lowest priority) |
coding |
Numeric |
8 |
Optional |
Default is 0, accepts values all allowed values in SMPP protocol [2] |
validity |
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
2013-07-16 00-46:54 |
Optional |
The validity period parameter indicates the Jasmin GW expiration time, after which the message should be discarded if not delivered to the destination |
content |
Text |
Hello world ! |
Always |
Content of the message |
binary |
Hexlified binary content |
062A063062A |
Always |
Content of the message in binary hexlified form |
When receiving multiple parts of a long SMS-MO, deliverSmHttpThrower service will concatenate the content of all the parts and then throw one http call with concatenated content.
The flowchart below describes how message delivery and retrying policy are done inside deliverSmHttpThrower service:
jasmin.cfg / deliversm-thrower#
The jasmin.cfg file (INI format, located in /etc/jasmin) contain a section called deliversm-thrower where all deliverSmHttpThrower service related config elements are:
2http_timeout = 30
3retry_delay = 30
4max_retries = 3
5log_level = INFO
6log_file = /var/log/jasmin/deliversm-thrower.log
7log_format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(process)d %(message)s
8log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
Element |
Default |
Description |
http_timeout |
30 |
Sets socket timeout in seconds for outgoing client http connections. |
retry_delay |
30 |
Define how many seconds should pass within the queuing system for retrying a failed throw. |
max_retries |
3 |
Define how many retries should be performed for failing throws of SMS-MO. |
log_* |
Python’s logging module configuration. |
Monitoring metrics#
Jasmin provides a native exporter for Prometheus with extensive metrics obtained directly from the statistics collector.
In order to get Jasmin’s metrics, user may request a HTTP GET from the following URL:
and port 1401
are default values and configurable in /etc/jasmin/jasmin.cfg
, see jasmin.cfg / http-api.
HTTP response#
Self documented response:
# TYPE httpapi_request_count counter
# HELP httpapi_request_count Http request count.
httpapi_request_count 0
# TYPE httpapi_interceptor_count counter
# HELP httpapi_interceptor_count Successful http request count.
httpapi_interceptor_count 0
# TYPE httpapi_auth_error_count counter
# HELP httpapi_auth_error_count Authentication error count.
httpapi_auth_error_count 0
# TYPE httpapi_route_error_count counter
# HELP httpapi_route_error_count Routing error count.
httpapi_route_error_count 0
# TYPE httpapi_interceptor_error_count counter
# HELP httpapi_interceptor_error_count Interceptor error count.
httpapi_interceptor_error_count 0
# TYPE httpapi_throughput_error_count counter
# HELP httpapi_throughput_error_count Throughput exceeded error count.
httpapi_throughput_error_count 0
# TYPE httpapi_charging_error_count counter
# HELP httpapi_charging_error_count Charging error count.
httpapi_charging_error_count 0
# TYPE httpapi_server_error_count counter
# HELP httpapi_server_error_count Server error count.
httpapi_server_error_count 0
# TYPE httpapi_success_count counter
# HELP httpapi_success_count Successful http request count.
httpapi_success_count 0
# TYPE smppc_connected_count counter
# HELP smppc_connected_count Cumulated number of successful connections.
smppc_connected_count{cid=smppprovider} 0
# TYPE smppc_disconnected_count counter
# HELP smppc_disconnected_count Cumulated number of disconnections.
smppc_disconnected_count{cid=smppprovider} 0
# TYPE smppc_bound_count counter
# HELP smppc_bound_count Number of bound sessions.
smppc_bound_count{cid=smppprovider} 0
# TYPE smppc_submit_sm_request_count counter
# HELP smppc_submit_sm_request_count SubmitSm pdu requests count.
smppc_submit_sm_request_count{cid=smppprovider} 0
# TYPE smppc_submit_sm_count counter
# HELP smppc_submit_sm_count Complete SubmitSm transactions count.
smppc_submit_sm_count{cid=smppprovider} 0
# TYPE smppc_deliver_sm_count counter
# HELP smppc_deliver_sm_count DeliverSm pdu requests count.
smppc_deliver_sm_count{cid=smppprovider} 0
# TYPE smppc_data_sm_count counter
# HELP smppc_data_sm_count Complete DataSm transactions count.
smppc_data_sm_count{cid=smppprovider} 0
# TYPE smppc_interceptor_count counter
# HELP smppc_interceptor_count Interceptor calls count.
smppc_interceptor_count{cid=smppprovider} 0
# TYPE smppc_elink_count counter
# HELP smppc_elink_count EnquireLinks count.
smppc_elink_count{cid=smppprovider} 0
# TYPE smppc_throttling_error_count counter
# HELP smppc_throttling_error_count Throttling errors count.
smppc_throttling_error_count{cid=smppprovider} 0
# TYPE smppc_interceptor_error_count counter
# HELP smppc_interceptor_error_count Interception errors count.
smppc_interceptor_error_count{cid=smppprovider} 0
# TYPE smppc_other_submit_error_count counter
# HELP smppc_other_submit_error_count Other errors count.
smppc_other_submit_error_count{cid=smppprovider} 0
# TYPE smppsapi_connected_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_connected_count Number of connected sessions.
smppsapi_connected_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_connect_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_connect_count Cumulated number of connect requests.
smppsapi_connect_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_disconnect_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_disconnect_count Cumulated number of disconnect requests.
smppsapi_disconnect_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_interceptor_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_interceptor_count Interceptor calls count.
smppsapi_interceptor_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_bound_trx_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_bound_trx_count Number of bound sessions in transceiver mode.
smppsapi_bound_trx_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_bound_rx_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_bound_rx_count Number of bound sessions in receiver mode.
smppsapi_bound_rx_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_bound_tx_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_bound_tx_count Number of bound sessions in transmitter mode.
smppsapi_bound_tx_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_bind_trx_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_bind_trx_count Number of bind requests in transceiver mode.
smppsapi_bind_trx_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_bind_rx_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_bind_rx_count Number of bind requests in receiver mode.
smppsapi_bind_rx_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_bind_tx_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_bind_tx_count Number of bind requests in transmitter mode.
smppsapi_bind_tx_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_unbind_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_unbind_count Cumulated number of unbind requests.
smppsapi_unbind_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_submit_sm_request_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_submit_sm_request_count SubmitSm pdu requests count.
smppsapi_submit_sm_request_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_submit_sm_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_submit_sm_count Complete SubmitSm transactions count.
smppsapi_submit_sm_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_deliver_sm_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_deliver_sm_count DeliverSm pdu requests count.
smppsapi_deliver_sm_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_data_sm_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_data_sm_count Complete DataSm transactions count.
smppsapi_data_sm_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_elink_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_elink_count EnquireLinks count.
smppsapi_elink_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_throttling_error_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_throttling_error_count Throttling errors count.
smppsapi_throttling_error_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_interceptor_error_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_interceptor_error_count Interception errors count.
smppsapi_interceptor_error_count 0
# TYPE smppsapi_other_submit_error_count counter
# HELP smppsapi_other_submit_error_count Other errors count.
smppsapi_other_submit_error_count 0
The statistics exposed through this api are also exposed through jcli’s Stats manager module.
Checking account balance#
In order to check user account balance and quotas, user may request a HTTP GET/POST from the following URL:
and port 1401
are default values and configurable in /etc/jasmin/jasmin.cfg
, see jasmin.cfg / http-api.
HTTP request parameters#
Parameter |
Value / Pattern |
Example(s) |
Presence |
Description / Notes |
username |
Text (30 char. max) |
jasmin_user |
Mandatory |
Username for Jasmin user account. |
password |
Text (30 char. max) |
jasmin_pass |
Mandatory |
Password for Jasmin user account. |
HTTP response#
Successful response:
{"balance": 100.0, "sms_count": "ND"}
Otherwise, an error is returned.
Here is an example of how to check balance:
# Python example
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import json
# Check user balance
params = {'username':'foo', 'password':'bar'}
response = urllib.request.urlopen("" % urllib.parse.urlencode(params)).read()
response = json.loads(response)
print('Balance:', response['balance'])
print('SMS Count:', response['sms_count'])
#Balance: 100.0
#SMS Count: ND
Checking rate price#
It is possible to ask Jasmin’s HTTPAPI for a message rate price before sending it, the request will lookup the route to be considered for the message and will provide the rate price if defined.
Request is done through HTTP GET/POST to the following URL:
and port 1401
are default values and configurable in /etc/jasmin/jasmin.cfg
, see jasmin.cfg / http-api.
HTTP request parameters#
Parameter |
Value / Pattern |
Example(s) |
Presence |
Description / Notes |
to |
Destination address |
20203050 |
Mandatory |
Destination address, only one address is supported per request |
from |
Originating address |
20203050, Jasmin |
Optional |
Originating address, In case rewriting of the sender’s address is supported or permitted by the SMS-C used to transmit the message, this number is transmitted as the originating address |
coding |
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 or 14 |
1 |
Optional |
Sets the Data Coding Scheme bits, default is 0, accepts values all allowed values in SMPP protocol [1] |
username |
Text (30 char. max) |
jasmin_user |
Mandatory |
Username for Jasmin user account. |
password |
Text (30 char. max) |
jasmin_pass |
Mandatory |
Password for Jasmin user account. |
content |
Text |
Hello world ! |
Optional |
Content to be sent |
HTTP response#
Successful response:
{"submit_sm_count": 2, "unit_rate": 2.8}
Where submit_sm_count is the number of message units if the content is longer than 160 characters, content parameter is optional for requesting rate price.
Otherwise, an error is returned.
Otherwise, an error is returned:
Error "No route found"
Here is an example of how to check rate price:
# Python example
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import json
# Check message rate price
params = {'username':'foo', 'password':'bar', 'to': '06222172'}
response = urllib.request.urlopen("" % urllib.parse.urlencode(params)).read()
response = json.loads(response)
print('Unit rate price:', response['unit_rate'])
print('Units:', response['submit_sm_count'])
#Unit rate price: 2.8
#Units: 1
Bitmask |
Value |
Meaning |
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
0 |
SMSC Default Alphabet |
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 |
1 |
IA5 (CCITT T.50)/ASCII (ANSI X3.4) |
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 |
2 |
Octet unspecified (8-bit binary) |
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 |
3 |
Latin 1 (ISO-8859-1) |
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 |
4 |
Octet unspecified (8-bit binary) |
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 |
5 |
JIS (X 0208-1990) |
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 |
6 |
Cyrllic (ISO-8859-5) |
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 |
7 |
Latin/Hebrew (ISO-8859-8) |
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 |
8 |
UCS2 (ISO/IEC-10646) |
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 |
9 |
Pictogram Encoding |
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 |
10 |
ISO-2022-JP (Music Codes) |
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 |
13 |
Extended Kanji JIS(X 0212-1990) |
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 |
14 |
KS C 5601 |