User FAQ#

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement jasmin#

Installing Jasmin using pip will through this error:

$ sudo pip install python-jasmin
[sudo] password for richard:
Downloading/unpacking jasmin
    Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement jasmin (from versions: 0.6b1, 0.6b10, 0.6b11, 0.6b12, 0.6b13, 0.6b14, 0.6b2, 0.6b3, 0.6b4, 0.6b5, 0.6b6, 0.6b7, 0.6b8, 0.6b9)
Cleaning up...
No distributions matching the version for jasmin
Storing debug log for failure in /home/richard/.pip/pip.log

This is common question, since Jasmin is still tagged as a ‘Beta’ version, pip installation must be done with the –pre parameter:

$ sudo pip install --pre python-jasmin


This is clearly documented in Installation installation steps.

Cannot connect to telnet console after starting Jasmin#

According to the installation guide, Jasmin requires running RabbitMQ and Redis servers, when starting it will wait for these servers to go up.

If you already have these requirements, please check jcli and redis-client logs:

  • /var/log/jasmin/redis-client.log

  • /var/log/jasmin/jcli.log


Please check Prerequisites & Dependencies before installing.

Should i expose my SMPP Server & HTTP API to the public internet for remote users ?#

As a security best practice, place Jasmin instance(s) behind a firewall and apply whitelisting rules to only accept users you already know, a better solution is to get VPN tunnels with your users.

If for some reasons you cannot consider these practices, here’s a simple iptables configuration that can help to prevent Denial-of-service attacks:

iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 2775 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set --name SMPP_CONNECT
iptables -N RULE_SMPP
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 2775 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 3 --name SMPP_CONNECT -j RULE_SMPP
iptables -A RULE_SMPP -j LOG --log-prefix 'DROPPED SMPP CONNECT ' --log-level 7
iptables -A RULE_SMPP -j DROP

This will drop any SMPP Connection request coming from the same source IP with more than 3 times per minute …

Does Jasmin persist its configuration to disk ?#

Since everything in Jasmin runs fully in-memory, what will happen if i restart Jasmin or if it crashes for some reason ? how can i ensure my configuration (Connectors, Users, Routes, Filters …) will be reloaded with the same state they were in before Jasmin goes off ?

Jasmin is doing everything in-memory for performance reasons, and is automatically persisting newly updated configurations every persistence_timer_secs seconds as defined in jasmin.cfg file.


Set persistence_timer_secs to a reasonable value, keep in mind that every disk-access operation will cost you few performance points, and don’t set it too high as you can loose critical updates such as User balance updates.

When receiving a DLR: Got a DLR for an unknown message id#

The following error may appear in messages.log while receiving a receipt (DLR):

WARNING  4403 Got a DLR for an unknown message id: 788821

This issue can be caused by one of these:

  • The receipt is received and it indicates a message id that did not get sent by Jasmin,

  • The receipt is received for a message sent by Jasmin, but message id is not recognize, if it’s the case then find below what you can do.

What’s happening:

When sending a message (submit_sm) the upstream connector will reply back with a first receipt (submit_sm_resp) where it indicates the message id for further tracking, then it will send back another receipt (deliver_sm or data_sm) with the same message it and different delivery state. The problem occurs when the upstream connector returns the same message id but in different encodings.


Use the dlr_msgid parameter as shown in SMPP Client connector manager to indicate the encoding strategy of the upstream partner/connector.

How to hide message content in log files for privacy reasons ?#

Starting from v0.9.28 it is possible to hide the message content in log files, this is done by tweaking the log_privacy parameter in the SMPP Client connector manager and log_privacy in jasmin.cfg and dlrlookupd.cfg.